Community Involvement
Board Member of the Cortaro Water Users Association
As a longtime member of the board, Herb has worked to protect the Marana area’s water rights since the age of 28.
Marana Veterans Cemetery
To honor our fallen heroes in the Armed Forces, the Kai family donated 32 acres of land for the new Marana Veterans Cemetery.
Marana Schools
Herb negotiated with the owners of the Marana Landfill to include a “tipping fee” for each ton of trash deposited into the landfill which he subsidizes with personal funds. The fees go directly to the Marana School System and currently fund student scholarships and tutoring in reading and mathematics. The funding to Marana schools will continue for 80 years with over $300,000 collected by the school district to date.
Tucson Quarter Midget Racing
Herb co-founded the Tucson Quarter Midget Racing Association in Marana, a race track for kids ages 5-16. He acquired the land, and coordinated the building of the track, audience bleachers, parking area, and more. Herb strongly believes in creating opportunities for children to learn life lessons and build character.
Tucson Airport Authority Board of Directors
From small airplanes to helicopters and small jets, Herb enjoys the speed and challenges of flying.